vineri, 24 august 2012


EL:         De ce esti asa?

EA:         Pentru ca eu sunt neagra , iar tu alb....E greu daca-mi dai din albul tau sa ma faci gri. Eu o singura pata din negrul eu si te compromit...

EL:         Vreau sa ma compromiti .

EA:         Eu ca o baterie neagra,ma incarc din albul tau ca de la soare.Cum sa te compromit? eu cum ma 
              mai incarc?

EL:         Ma vrei sa te incarci? nu e un gest egoist?

EA:        Povestea noastra avea mereu o gaura plina cu durere in ea,pe care o evitam. Facuta din mercur ,cand o rupeai revenea seara bucata cu bucata si se facea iar intreaga,intacta.Nu sunt mai egoista decat mercurul.

joi, 23 august 2012

Don`t hold my hand

I said baby you're my dream
He said no hun, just your wish

 He said baby you're my river
I said no hun`, I'm your drain

 He said baby you're my color
I said no babe I'm your stain

 I said baby you are magic
 He said no hun`, just a trick

 He said baby you can't see me
I said baby I just sense

 He said baby you're my castle
I said no hun`, I'm your fence

I said baby I adore you
He said no babe you're just afraid

vineri, 13 aprilie 2012

Intr-o zi de mai.

20 mai 2017.
Cocktail-ul de cocos la indemana.
Sezlong de culoarea marii.
Piele arsa de soare. Briza.
Fara tigari pana atunci,sper.
Nisip in par.
Mici taieturi de scoici.( singurele rani existente pana atunci,sper.)
Marea la zece metri de palmierii de care mi-e agatat hamacul.
Pescarusi .
Oameni putini,din ora in ora,trec,si se tin de mana. Sunt ca mine, savureaza pacea.
Tu,oricare ai fi, lasi barca la mal si vii sa-mi arati ce-ai pescuit. Pesti,pana atunci,sper.
Articole de valoare: ochelari de soare,prosop, si o carte buna.
Griji existente : 0
Zambete pe zi : non stop.
Planuri pe zi : spontane.

luni, 9 ianuarie 2012


Things look brighter from where i stand up now..on a high cliff. sure everything looks smaller,because i`m high. The adrenaline of being higher annihilates the danger of that high sharp cliff.It gives me immunity. In a false way.Because now im wicker than ever.
One single move and im done.One single change of wind...
I see you from where i stand are still nice to look at.Good things never change,i suppose.Then why do i change?
I`ve got used to quality things.Being held all the time...when i was an ocean of insecurity.
But you did changed. I did too.Did the main things kept their shape?Still,what matters is there. I know it.Its in your DNA.
I found the door to happiness.But dont have the key.Maybe this is the year of making things happen.I wonder if we are supposed to be harsh when its about getting what we want?isnt that pushing our luck?Isnt that dangerous? or is it just the only way ?
Is it that we get what we deserve,no matter what we do?
Guess i will find out