joi, 21 ianuarie 2010

for the neighbours upstairs

aloha.this is from the girls downstairs:) (first floor,right)
how are you doin`?we were just sitting home...downstairs:) and as we got sooooo bored,we were just thinking...let`s talk to you guys...i mean,c`mon,neighbours should be close,am i right?(we are funny persons) for instance,i once wanted to cook something and i was short on a cup of flour...and i was thinking how nice it would be to have some nice neighbours,cuz let`s face it...the rest of our neighbours are booooring! so...we thought of you guys,you seem pretty cool and nice...anyway,i`m out of ideas here,leave a comment,then we`ll see what goes next:)and you gotta admit,this was a funny idea,and kept us from being bored...for a while.have a greeeeat evening!

Un comentariu:

  1. ok,pentru a fi pe intelesu tuturor aici...avem niste vecini foarte simpatici.aparent(nu-i stim personal).le-am lasat un biletel pe usa cu linkul ce ii duce direct la postarea asta.copilaresc.taci:)
